Based on the Lecture by Dr. Ian Fletcher my thesis is already material driven and I'm actively researching what material aspects I need out of the materials. In previous projects it was many different precedents for material types and uses, for land-based structures. In my thesis I can't design with stable land in mind the focus is deigning on water which requires me to think of material first thinking inside out rather than outside in.
2. Taking the expanded definition of "a meaningful materials experience" Into my thesis I find that (aesthetic, experience, experience of meaning, emotional experience) mean that the materials I use need to be planned in such a way that the finished surface, is pleasing to the eye in the environment it is in. Also, the material needs to feel comfortable in use of the space, while causing the appropriate emotional response, this will be at the front of my research do to the lack of material choice in floating architecture.
3. Dayton Schroeter and Julian Arrington created a meaningful materials experience for the end user through their installation "Society’s Cage" by allowing a person and multiple people to experience the exhibit at once. They began with a unique form the cube, before eroding its form to evoke the relationship between Black individuals and existing systems of power until the pavilion literally took on, what they call "the shape of racism". Steel bars, suggesting prison bars, form the pavilion’s walls; inside, visitors enter “The Void,” To me This exhibit represents history that is not use in any meaningful way for change, action, or remembrance.